Thankfully Jackfuste found some LOD variable using assembler, or whatever he uses, that was directly tied to the FOV and fixed the issue. I remember when I was working on my Chrome patch, increasing FOV for widescreen also messed up the LOD. As it turns out, while some of the new scaling behaviours are indeed good (especially when it comes to menus), they seemed to have unintentionally broken the draw distance.
While not mentioned in patch notes, it seems steps were taken to negate issues with vehicle physics glitching out when running the game above 60fps - but a more in-depth testing is required. Finally the patch also reworks widescreen support, as the previous "hack" introduced on Jwas quite questionable at best (something I wrote about on my GitHub blog). New patch also adds French, Italian, German, Spanish languages to choose from and improves audio using OpenAL. While the switch from long dead Gamespy to GOG Galaxy is very much appreciated, it's not the only change made. Today (May 1, 2020) both GOG and Steam versions of original Star Wars: Battlefront (not the EA's one) got updated to a version numbered simply as 1.3.5 (4). And so, with issues fixed, all seems this is now objectively the best available version of the game. It also came with additional fixes related to potential crashes that occurred while loading maps (most often reported when loading maps Naboo and Genosis). A patch numbered was released and with it an issue of terrain rendering was again fixed.